Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 40

Interview #1 (Brother):
Question: How does the quality of time spent in school affect a students quality of time spent outside of school?
Answer: I always despised school, mainly because it never really supported the career I'm currently pursuing. But since I never really put much effort into my grades, the idea of school wasn't too bad. Almost like a chance to socialize with friends for a good six hours, well only the ones that had the same mentality as me. So out of my experience I had during high school I have to say being able to laugh amongst your friends everyday makes life a whole lot better. Especially since I pretty much lived with my classmates, what went on in school directly impacted what happened in the dorms. I was able to create a family like relationship with my peers which made everything much more bearable. Obviously my perspective on this would often be different from normal public school kids so I my opinion might be the minority.

Interview #2 (Mom)
Answer: Of course your time in school affects your time out of school. School creates stress, anger, joy, etc. Probably one of the most emotional places for teens. I can see things arent going well at school when you come home. The stress from home can be hidden while in school, especially when you are around close friends, but stress from school tends to show more at home due to its more relaxed environment. I think good quality work done in school is demonstrated out of school even under work environments.

Interview #3 (Girlfriend)
Answer: Being in a good school or bad school will not determine the kid's personality, but it sure does affect how they perceive the world out of school. We incorporate the things we learn in school, out of school a lot more often than we think. I don't think it necessarily affects the students life while in school, but it really routes the future. If you come from a good school, they can help you to get to a good college as to a bad school giving no support for students wanting to go to college. One aspect of school that really does change the quality of a students life outside of school is friends. I think friends are more influential than the education we get in class.

Interview #4 (Co-worker)
Answer: Well I'm not quite sure what you mean by quality of the school, but I'll answer it ranking wise. A school that is ranked number one does not mean it is a good atmosphere to be in. Sure they might make you work hard, thus making you smarter, but socializing is also something you learn in school. We learn to interact with each other at school. So schools with a friendly atmosphere will usually lead to a better union of students and outside of school, this union will be just as strong. But on the other hand its impossible to make a big public school similar to a smaller private school.

Interview #5 (Self)
Answer: The quality of education has nothing to do with the quality of life outside of school. Though many schools tend to enforce higher education to make up for the money they are getting paid, the education does not construct the life of a student. Going to a private school will not keep kids away from drugs. It might help the kids get drugs or maybe not, who knows. Its all about the people in the school. If the quality of the people in schools are good, it will significantly affect the quality of life.

Part B

All the interviewees considered the social aspect of school. Which I totally agree with. School should not be all about learning and becoming educated through text books and lectures, it should be about learning through one another. Being social is key to living a life of good quality. The financial aspects were also brought up. The more money you pay the better the quality of education the student gets, but it may lack the other social half which can negatively impact the students life out of school.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39

Part A
1. Does the board of education feed you a limited amount of information?
2. Does quality of education alter the quality of life?
3. How significantly does strictly enforced political/religious education differ from general education?

1. School fabricates social life.
2. School teaches morality through society's norms.
3. School attempts to restrict the youth's mind to form only good ideas.

Part B
I believe school teaches you how to think, but then attempts to teach you how to think in only specific ways. In order to have control over society, the generation of a norm is needed. By doing so it stabilizes the minds of the citizens, and the most vulnerable group of people are the youth. Since they have not yet experienced much, they are the easiest target to manipulate by constructing a role model or a smarter being called a "teacher".
In a way education separates us from every other animal. Limitations and restrictions are made to control large groups of people, and school educates the population with rights and wrongs. Though many people are capable of thinking outside the box, since this way of thinking is not taught in the early years of school it is much harder to accomplish. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hw 38 (

I'm sure people will first look at it and question the connection between cool and this art piece. Depending on which aspect of cool you are focusing on, it may not make sense, but if someone truly believes that "cool" is generated by the individual him/herself and not by society then they will eventually see how symbolic the circle is. The shape of a circle is very solid and has no gaps which represents stability and confidence. The word "self" represents your belief and how you should prioritize you judgments and opinions over everyone else's. 
I wanted to make something simple, yet complex enough that people will observe and question its simplicity. It really is a illustration of my own perspective on cool. It started off as brainstorming ideas, but that got me no where so I decided to draw something that symbolizes my philosophy on cool.
I personally don't like art, mainly because Im terrible at it. But I do admire artists who can express multiple emotions through visual art. I find it to be cool since Its an source of entertainment that doesn't necessarily distract you constantly, and you can observe it until you are satisfied unlike movies that have something constantly happening.