Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 31

Part A
For winter vacation, my brother came back to New York from California. Since I rarely get the chance to meet/talk to him ever since he got into high-school (he was at Boarding School in Toronto), we always try to socialize with one another as much as possible. One topic that came up which I remember he did talk to me before was tattooing the family crests of both my dad and mom's side on his shoulder blades. It seemed like he had thought it over for a couple of years, but he still needs time to think it over. He also stated that he wants to wait until he's making enough money to fully support his life, not under half-ass circumstances which according to him, he is living under at the moment.
Though his commitment seemed strong, his reason was a bit bland. A. He wanted something that symbolized not only himself but his family. B. It would be pretty bad-ass. I agreed with him that it would be pretty "cool", but there are other alternatives in order to represent him. Necklaces, and other forms of accessories can incorporate the crest, and will not require him to damage his body. My parents find the whole idea of tattoos to be a bit overwhelming, but they want to give him his freedom, and respect how hard he is working.

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