Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hw #6 Video Post

Originally uploaded by Stoner3000

Like most people, I don't feel completely comfortable watching myself for a straight 2 minutes. Though many aspects of my actions are surprisingly entertaining and humorous. My overall focus on texting and surfing the web seems insubstantial. My ability to redirect my focus on things happening around me makes me sigh in relief. Though I am most definitely pro-digital, I have not yet become too reliant on technology as a source of entertainment. Being able to observe your surroundings while you spend time in a digital world illustrates that I still value reality over the computer screen in front of me. 

I dont find computer based activities to be a very effective way to live your life. On the other hand I still find living the digital lifestyle to have a significant connection with the real world. Though we may say playing videogames or watching youtube videos on our spare time to be wasting precious moments of our lives, what we do and how we react to the digital life has a great impact on our daily lives in the real world. 

I honestly would not mind my future son/daughter to be spending time on a computer. Though moderation is a completely different story. Finding a balance between the two can be very difficult for some people. While others may find one aspect of the digital life to be appealing, the rest of us may find it to be quite disturbing or bland. 

What I noticed most about my video are the lack of emotions. I wasn't viewing anything interesting enough to grasp my full attention, but I think a majority of my reactions were happening mentally and not being portrayed physically. As I see myself conversing with who I believe was Abe, I show more expressions than I do during the rest of the time either starring at the computer screen or texting. 

I think video-games are healthy until you are stuck at home by yourself. Its a very entertaining way to socialize with others, it can become topics discussed between individual's in the real world. I personally find the Wii to be a very confusing piece of technology. It can be used to the extent of physically moving your body according to the game system, or just simple waving your arm around. Depending on what the player wants to achieve throughout his/her experience it can be harmful or healthy. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Digital Life Interview HW 7

Question: How will the advancement of the digital lifestyle have impact on the daily lives of future generations? Will it differ from ours, as we continue to rely heavily on technology? Or will we be able to find a balanced lifestyle?
Interviewee: My Brother(Over the phone)

Now that humanity has developed a genuine addiction to technology and the conducive life it offers, I don't believe we will be able to commence a non-digital life. Of-course there will be groups of people who will strongly go against the overuse of technology, but a majority of the population will continue to pursue a more advanced digital lifestyle. We have advanced too much in the technological aspects that there is no turning back. 
As for the future generation who will be able to bask in a sea of holograms and futuristic weaponry, I still think we will find a way to keep us physically fit. I don't think it will impact obesity rates since many of us still find sports and activities that require burning calories a vital part in everyday life. We will eventually lean towards the digital lifestyle over the manual lifestyle, but not to the point where we stop controlling machines and let machines control us. 

I find the reply to be quite standard. Although his perspective on the future generations may differ from other predictions, it is a logical way of thinking. 

Stranger #1- "I think we just have to give into what the world has come to. I use modern day technology everyday for almost 10 hours. It helps me get work done much faster so I won't say the advancement of the digital lifestyle to be bad at all. We've adapted to this lifestyle and I find it to be very nice and convenient." 

Stranger #2- "I pretty much spend $0 annually on electronics. I don't think we need them to be honest, but whatever makes people happy you know. I don't find the digital lifestyle to be very appealing, it also steals time away from your life in the real world."

Best Friend- "Growing up in a generation where everything is becoming more and more advanced, I don't think there is anyway I can avoid the use of electronics. I find myself using it constantly without even noticing it. Its become a norm for most people within the age of 10-80, if you don't use computers of Ipods, people will judge you based on your lack of skill in the technological fields." 

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Digital World

I both love and loathe the convenience the digital lifestyle offers. I believe the gradual change in modern technology will significantly impact us negatively and continue to part us from things that used to have more value to us, such as nature. Reliance to technology have also placed a thick border between what we find as barbaric or just plain weird. We see several societies living amongst nature without the convenience of the digital lifestyle and question why and how they continue to live their way. We have already entered the mindset to believe that the use of computers and video-games are what we claim to be normal, discriminating others for choosing an alternate route. We are blinded from the truth that one day, we may be overpowered by technology and become physically unable to go back to physical labor. 
Though I see several negative consequences from too much reliance in the digital lifestyle. There are tons of beneficial aspects to this as well. The internet is the most convenient and fastest way to transfer messages when stuck in a urgent situation. It also allows communication between groups of people instead of manually sending handwritten letters to each individual person. Most digital entertainment systems are easily obtained as well. To boost the fun meter within your daily life, computers are often within reach and the TV remote sits on your couch, thought it may not be the healthiest lifestyle, but it allows the people to have a wide variety of entertainment within seconds. In conclusion, balance is key to maintain a both healthy yet convenient digital lifestyle.