Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Digital Life Interview HW 7

Question: How will the advancement of the digital lifestyle have impact on the daily lives of future generations? Will it differ from ours, as we continue to rely heavily on technology? Or will we be able to find a balanced lifestyle?
Interviewee: My Brother(Over the phone)

Now that humanity has developed a genuine addiction to technology and the conducive life it offers, I don't believe we will be able to commence a non-digital life. Of-course there will be groups of people who will strongly go against the overuse of technology, but a majority of the population will continue to pursue a more advanced digital lifestyle. We have advanced too much in the technological aspects that there is no turning back. 
As for the future generation who will be able to bask in a sea of holograms and futuristic weaponry, I still think we will find a way to keep us physically fit. I don't think it will impact obesity rates since many of us still find sports and activities that require burning calories a vital part in everyday life. We will eventually lean towards the digital lifestyle over the manual lifestyle, but not to the point where we stop controlling machines and let machines control us. 

I find the reply to be quite standard. Although his perspective on the future generations may differ from other predictions, it is a logical way of thinking. 

Stranger #1- "I think we just have to give into what the world has come to. I use modern day technology everyday for almost 10 hours. It helps me get work done much faster so I won't say the advancement of the digital lifestyle to be bad at all. We've adapted to this lifestyle and I find it to be very nice and convenient." 

Stranger #2- "I pretty much spend $0 annually on electronics. I don't think we need them to be honest, but whatever makes people happy you know. I don't find the digital lifestyle to be very appealing, it also steals time away from your life in the real world."

Best Friend- "Growing up in a generation where everything is becoming more and more advanced, I don't think there is anyway I can avoid the use of electronics. I find myself using it constantly without even noticing it. Its become a norm for most people within the age of 10-80, if you don't use computers of Ipods, people will judge you based on your lack of skill in the technological fields." 

1 comment:

  1. Amon,

    Your question, is by far the most articulated and well stated question i've read. You asked the exact question I was wondering about, but I didn't know how to articulate it as well as you.

    I agree with your brother and best friend when they say that Digitalization is coming at us so fast and strong, there's no way to get from it. I agree with Stranger #1 when he says it helps us do work faster and more efficiently, but I also agree with Stranger #2 when he says its taking us away from the real world.

    Overall, I feel that technology is fine in moderation. Too much of it can be over stimulating, but if your don't use it you will be lost in the world.

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with a lot of your thoughts but do the rest of your work so we can read it!

