Monday, March 1, 2010

HW 41

Toledano, Ralph D. "More Money Hasn't Meant Better Education." Web. .
This article pin points the financial aspects of education in America. We spend the most money on education in the world, yet the amount of money we spend is not balanced out with the quality of education. Also some schools give grades to manipulate the students emotions. Failing a student might "hurt their feelings".

Krinkle, Phil. "Does more money equal better education?" The Taxpayers League of Minnesota. Web. 01 Mar. 2010. .
This article focuses on the different alternatives of giving better education to younger students. Colleges are capable of giving quality education to classes as big as 100 students, why won't this work for high school students? Putting the spotlight on making class sizes smaller costs an enormous amount of money. Also the more teachers a school employs, the less they focus on the quality of education he/she can give.

"Private vs. public schools - Defining your ideal school | GreatSchools." GreatSchools - Public and Private School Ratings, Reviews and Parent Community. Web. 01 Mar. 2010. .
This article debates whether private schools or public schools give better education. Bottom line is that private schools offer more variety than public schools. Since public schools run under the rule of the board of education, they are set to teach with limitations. While private schools are capable of building up a more original curriculum. This does not necessarily mean private schools are better, they just have more responsibilities.

"Parenting - Private school Kids and Public school kids...Our experience... - Minti." Baby and Parenting Advice - parent to parent - Minti. Web. 01 Mar. 2010. .
This article is not professional, but it does show an important aspect of how finances affect students. In this lady's story, three young girls were caught fighting. One from a public school and the other two from private. The public school girl was blamed for the fight. This indicates a form of stereotype stating that private school kids are more "well behaved" which is not always the case. From the mass amount of money that is invested by these kid's parents, they also obtain a source of security and protection from society, but does not necessarily make themselves any better of a human being than kids from a public school.

"Public vs. Private Education." Broward County Public Schools. Web. 01 Mar. 2010. .
This is not a article, but a list of differences between public and private schools. One difference that stood out to me was.
"Public schools must accept any resident student who applies for admission, regardless of sex, race, religious affiliation, economic status or physical or mental handicap. Private schools can be selective in
choosing their students"

This states that private schools have the right to segregate which would not create a warm and welcome

learning environment for some people. Though we do pay to go to a private school, depending on the school

they may teach qualities of life that are false such as racism.

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