Monday, March 22, 2010

HW 45

Hirsch's theory on education focuses on the development of the students mind at the elementary stages. He states that the romanticized theories on education that America has incorporated are the main faulty in the system. He believes that education should not be all based on the "how to" but more on specific facts that we should know as Americans. His theory values content over the actual process. The content that is absorbed by the student is much more important than how well the student can think. In a wikipedia article it states, "Hirsch portrays the focus of American educational theory as one which attempts to give students intellectual tools such as "critical thinking skills", but which denigrates teaching any actual content, labeling it "mere rote learning". Hirsch states that it is this attitude which has failed to develop knowledgeable students".

Sizer on the other hand does not support the "one size fits all" method such as standardized test taking. His ideas also go against the organization of grades based on age, since every individual's mind is diverse regardless of age. The theory did not necessarily contradict Hirsch's philosophy on education since their focuses were on opposite ends of the education process. Sizer focused more on how students should be by the time they graduate high school as to Hirsch who focused on building up the student in the earlier stages. Sizer valued opening of the mind in students and critical thinking.

The two's ideas contradicts each other intellectually but not emotionally since they both are trying to improve the education in America. They are both pointing out flaws in the education system, but are looking at different stand points in a students life. The two ideas definitely have a way of working out in sync since they do not seem to cross paths over the process of gaining education. Hirsch's idea can come into play during the students younger years then Sizer's theory can be used to enhance the student's ability to think and further an individual's intellect.

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