Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56

1. Do you feel that you spend more time with your true friends than your "other" friends?
2. What do you think sets the boarder between real friendship and somewhat fake friendships?
3. Do you believe some friends are more significant than others? If so, how?

1. For me personally I feel like all my friends that I have now are true friends. I never split them up in terms of how much I value them cause they all mean something to me. I obviously havent felt like this all my life, but recently I feel that everyone around me who care for me are true friends. But to answer your question, I obviously spend more time with some people as to others, but its mainly due to where they live or their daily schedules, but I don't feel that it really makes a difference.
2. Honestly, I feel that most of those relationships are formed during school. Since kids are crammed inside a building where there's a community of others around the same age group people will have to lose their true self in order to "survive". I feel that fake friendships form through insecurity. It makes people feel better when they have more friends and obviously looks better as well. But later on you learn that quality of the friend is what counts the most.
3. I don't want to sound harsh, but I definitely do. Some of them have stayed with me during horrible times, while others just didn't have the option to since they were far away. But a lot of them put in the effort whether its through the phone or by a text message, and I really appreciate that.
1. No, I actually feel like I spend less time with true friends. Mainly because they are not as accessible to me, but its great to see them once in a while.
2. I think people like socializing and bonding, and the more people you can bond with the more fun they have everyday. It truly is a great feel when you can bond with one another for hours straight, but most conversations are stupid and shallow. If you can really open up and accept one another for who they are, that's when true friendship starts.
3. True friends obviously are more significant!
Gary at the park
1. I never was a very social person. I didn't have many friends throughout my childhood, but it made everyone I finally became friends with a "true" friend. Though they were only a handful, I've been friends with some of them for over 15 years now, so I don't really know much about "fake" friendships.
2. I guess it has a lot to do with how people are viewed from the outside. If someone looks cool, people will try to be with them to make them look better, and during that process, they will subconsciously change who they are to fit in. Its very sad.
3. All friends are significant one way or another, but yes some have a bigger impact on my life than others. But if I think about it more, they all have something contribute to my life, so no they are all the same. Mixing them all together is what creates friendship and its significance.

I really appreciate the variety I was able to grasp during the interviews. I feel like I got many perspectives from the three people. 2 out of the 3 stated something about being young and in school that factors into finding friendship, which i find to be interesting. I do believe that being in school really affects who kids become or try to become and their surroundings. Its like finding yourself through finding others.

What percent of your friends are "true" friends?

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