Monday, October 19, 2009

Feed A

The Life Titus and his friends live in FEED by M.T Anderson portrays is a futuristic interpretation of our current life. We rely heavily on the digital lifestyle which manipulates our lives and even lessens the value of real life interaction. The "Feed" that is often used by the teenagers is capable of refreshing the owner's mind with information regarding pretty much everything, whether it be news or simple advertisements, they are no longer responsible of personally storing information that is gathered through their experiencing.
The FEED represents the technology that surrounds us such as the computer that gathers information for us on demand. He illustrates the characters to be extremely reliant of the piece of equipment making them into uneducated physical figures when it is removed from them. In the scene at the hospital after a hacker corrupts their Feeds, they begin to panic, making them vulnerable to their surroundings in the real world they have been distracted from for so long. It mocks us teens to show how stupid we have really become due to the advancement of technology and how we have wandered on to the bandwagon of the "easy" life.
The only aspect which I personally think is inaccurate about Anderson's interpretation of the futuristic teenage life is the concept of the feed. Why would anyone create a device that is required so heavily? I find technology to be a source of entertainment, but not a necessity. The concept in which a device is implanted in our physical bodies and distracts our senses of vision, also limiting our access to the real world is beyond idiotic. I don't, or possibly don't want to believe that we are consumed by the digital life to make humans and machines one.

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