Thursday, October 1, 2009

HW #8 Dear Jace and Hannah

Dear Jace 

I'd first like to apologize for not putting up my video sooner, I tend to procrastinate up to the point until I'm either late or minutes away from the deadline. Since it does affect you and Hannah's overall grade I'll try my best to priorities my homework over other daily activities.  

Your video definitely portrays the different aspects of the digital lifestyle. I like how you covered a majority of the various digital activities we do, and the most significant ones as well. I also noticed that you were quite unhappy throughout the whole video as stated in your second paragraph. Not only did you show what people tend to look like while absorbed in technology, but the emotional aspects of how it can affect us.  

Based off your comment after watching your own video, I can see that you grasped a very good perspective on how people are under the influence of the digital lifestyle. The way you used your brother as an example of people prioritizing the digital world over the real world really shows that you understand the border between being too absorbed and maintaining balance between the two lifestyles. Though I also understand how you feel when your brother turns on the TV. There is nothing more distracting than technology that distributes sound, which I honestly think is why we are able to become captivated in it.  

Similar to your brother, I also had a time period in middle school where video games and computers made my life. Now that I look back at those days, I tend to forcefully resist myself from staying home. It's scary how people can dramatically change due to a new system console or a new video game, and as an individual who has experienced the horror of becoming absorbed with it I can finally be honest with myself and say it truly can be bad for you physically and mentally.  

It seems like you've realized the flaws of being too distracted with technology. That it makes you feel vulnerable to hostility. I'd like to know how your brother reacts when he is focused on the digital world. Does he conflict your anger and become more passive? And now that you have realized it, how has your reactions changed?  
I also liked your opinion about the Wii. Though people try to categorize it to be a more healthier way to play video-games, the mental aspects of it does not change much from when you are sitting on your couch playing Xbox.  

I like your style, and creativity. It definitely makes me feel like I'm doing something more than homework, and actually learning something through your work. Please keep it up as it helps me do my part as well.

Dear Hannah  

I'd like to apologize to you as I did to Jace about my lack of skill in managing to do homework. I also wanted to thank you for really bugging me about being proactive with homework assignments which has me commenting on your video now. Although I honestly am very exhausted from a long day of school and work, I feel like I owe you for your management of the group and this is the least I can do.  

First off, I love the color you picked for the two videos. Though it seems like a primitive video without much color, you show that you definetely are living in a digital world. You also seem to be fully concentrated in the activities you do. I didn't notice in the first video that you were listening to music so when you started bobing your head I was pretty confused, but Im glad you took out the Ipod to reveal that you using not only one but two different types of modern day technology.  

The second part of your video stood out to me the most, mainly because you are holding a guitar (I play as well) and the fact that your a lefty. Though acoustic guitar's (possibly classical?) are a few of the things that we still value today that are not run by battery power, we have come up with devices such as the guitar tuner to enhance our experience with it. It made me realize how even the non-digital activities are being upgraded by technology.  

In your first part of the video, after winking at the camera you are deeply engaged in texting for such a long period of time. I personally never text long enough to concentrate that hard, but durring the summer I saw numerous people traped in their virtual world the cellhpone offers. Durring my visit to Japan I was actually disgusted by the number of people who have they're phones out on the train. Atleast 80% of the people were either watching TV, texting, playing games, and even blogging on their cellphones. Though the phone technology in that country is very gratifying, It really has shown a significant impact on people's daily lives.  

One part i'd like you to expand on is the emotional aspect of being under the influence of technology. Though you looked pretty content while listening to your Ipod and texting, I'd like to see you express how it feels to be using these devices. 

I again would like to apologize about being selfish and not being a respectable team member. I am looking forward to being in your group over the course of this year.  

P.S. If possible, I'd like to know if you can post an edited version of the comment on my video. I have the additional thoughts written along with the posted video. Thanx

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amon, welcome back! I apologize if you feel like I was harassing you too much to get your work done. I bother Jace as well whenever he doesn't do his work by the deadlines Andy does. I understand that school is exhausting, then work must be on top of that but Andy gives us deadlines in advance so that we have enough time to get the assignments finished.

    I'm glad you like the color of my videos. I think it was my brother's idea for the colors, but it was my idea for the old fashioned hat. I came downstairs in the hat and once I had to record the video my brother said I should do it in black and white. I'm never in front of video chat anymore, so once I was in front of the camera I became so aware that it was there, that I wasn't able to do anything without being conscious of the camera. I used to video chat all the time, but that's when I used to go on IM.

    I didn't have much of an idea what to do for the first video, so my brother was trying to help me by telling me to text, and change songs on the ipod. There was a longer bit at the end of me on the ipod, but once the camera hit two minutes I found out it lost half of the footage. That's why I did the guitar for the second part.

    I remember talking to go a long time ago on IM and learning you played the guitar. I'm just a beginner, but I'd like to get better at it. The guitar is an acoustic guitar, and it has nylon strings on it. My guitar teacher usually makes me tune the guitar by ear when he's teaching, but when he isn't there I prefer to use a tuner. Tuning by ear is sort of difficult. Do you use a tuner as well or can you tune by ear?

    Oops. I text on the train, and I have even memorized that 14st doesn't have service in the train station. I also listen to music on the train most of the time, and notice how many other people are listening to their ipods while I am.

    Don't worry, if you try being selfish again I will continue to bother you like I did the last time.

    I look forward to reading and responding to your blog posts in the future.

    P.s, I don't understand what you mean by an edited comment on your video. I wrote an edited one already, did I not?
