Sunday, October 4, 2009


Dear Hannah

Thanks for the comment Hannah. I know i should have made the whole video a little more "digital" but the situation I was in didn't give me much options. I've realized that in every comment you make responding to my posts, you always quote specific sections of my work. I really appreciate that you read my posts in depth as to just skimming through it. Your also very understanding and open minded about my arguments, and you always share put in your two cents in addition.

Your connection to my argument that emotions don't come out as much while concentrated on the digital world to your real life experience at Six Flags made me realize that I've had those moments too. It really illustrates how the Digital world can mask up people since the physical body is not intact with the mental self as much compared to living in reality.

The question that asked me whether or not I'd have my kids spending time on technology really had me thinking. In conclusion I want to say that I find the use of technology to be inevitable, at least by the time I have kids. I know that my use of technology will deeply influence them too, and the more useful and convenient they become I think I'll end up abusing them just to make life easier. Ten hours will be a bit too much though.

Overall, you seem very aware of how the physical body is affected by the use of technology. I tend to give in to the use of technology after time, usually making me understand the mental concept of the use than the physical. Im glad I can get another perspective on it that conflicts mine. It deepens my understanding of how good/bad daily use of technology can really be.

I understnad your opinion about technology "wasting" our time. This makes me want to question what I would be doing to replace the time consumed in the digital world. In all honesty I don't find myself undergoing any other activites that require physical labor. It contemplates for my lack of time managed being proactive. I'm sure you and I both would like to know other's honest reply to how they would live they're life if they were to replace time on the computer with something non digital. I myself will be lost without the daily dose of digital entertainment.

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