Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 "Cool"

As simple as the word "cool" seems to be, I find it to represent a variety of things. There are so many fields that "cool" can branch off into, including music, fashion, personalities, etc. There are no short cuts or simple routes to observe this new topic as a broad picture. It also is mainly an opinion, every individual has a specific image or idea that creates a montage of mental images that represent what "cool" really is. 

Overall, I find this unit to be a very sensitive topic, knowing that people obviously want to portray a cool image, genuine feelings towards it can alternate depending on how much the person cares about his/her reputation. Especially in such a small New York public school, I find it to be very difficult for me as for others to reveal their insight. There will be such a slim variety of opinions concerning the topic that we will end up repeating ourselves time and time again, possibly more times than the Digital Unit. I don't necessarily want to bash the idea of this unit, but I certainly don't find the environment we discuss the topic in to be confidential enough for people to have an open mind about it. 

On the flip-side, I'm very interested in how many people actually realize the way we react to the stereotypes of being cool. I'm looking forward to how deep we can get into this topic, until we end up trying to redeem our reputation by approaching the unit in a way that wont disrupt how we triumph in the community of teenagers. Since in the end, cool isn't determined by your own opinion, but how others around you react to it. Like how Andy said, there are many categorize that "cool" is incorporated into, even the most unique individual will eventually find a group of people with similar interests which eventually results in the person adopting features that are "cool" in his/her community. People try to be original, not knowing that they really are not.  

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