Wednesday, November 25, 2009

HW 25

Part 1
Dear Moe
I like how straight forward you were in portraying what type of cool your character represents. It seems like he tries too hard to be "cool" that in the end he finds himself dealing with bigger consequences.

Dear Jin Is this the type of person you admire? haha just kidding. Its a really short story, but its compact and is full of aspects that most of us find to be cool. I especially like the "Everyone wants to fuck me", it directly shows how self-centered he is, and I guess having confidence is a part of being cool.

Dear Brandon
I like how you constructed your story. The kid feels the urge to be cool at first, but ends up finding out that being himself is the best way to go. Your story also really degrades the meaning of cool, it seems like your trying to show that being cool is not as important as we think it is.

Dear Kevin
I guess your character is trying to illustrate the "Fuck It" type of cool? I'm kind of confused by the the whole Matrix metaphor, but it may be because I haven't really watched it enough times. I actually can connect to this. I used to be like that, but I started to prioritize things in life, and people don't consider you to be cool later in life if you arent well educated, unless your famous.

Dear Charlse
I like how you made the character in your story materialistic. Wealth is big when you want to be cool, no matter how old you are. I like how ignorant you made the character look in a matter of minutes in the Gucci store.

Part 2

I saw so many varities of cool in the stories I read, but wealth and reputation were two topics that seemed to stand out to most of us. For example both Jin and Charles's stories the protagonist was illustrated to have the element of wealth that made them admirable to others. In a world where the rich have a wider availability to have access to things make them a role model. Though not everyone believes wealth to be the number one priority in being cool, that also depends on the community of people the individual belongs in.
The reputation gained from wealth really is a one sided thing. Many people admire the rich, but almost no one admires the poor. This proves that the limitations set by being poor does not enhance how someone is viewed, it simply puts them in a position where they are looked down upon. Though in some cases, people who have become something big while living under poor circumstances are praised much higher than those that have had wealth their whole life. But it is much harder for those types of people to stand out in the world.

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