Sunday, December 20, 2009

HW 29 "Merchants of Cool"

Is it evil for corporations to manipulate the minds of young people? I say its a necessity in order to survive in the world we live in. The world is run by money, so in order to maintain a rank within the social hierarchy, wealth is required. There is no other way to profit largely than to brainwash the younger generations. Having control over the youth means you have control over the future.
Though the concept of "brainwashing" seems to be a bit cruel, it really isn't. Teens of every generation are exploited somehow by constructing a social figure that can be identified as "cool". I don't believe giving teens a role model or an icon to look up to is evil at all. Also most of them don't grow up to become the artists on MTV anyways. I find it quite similar to old plays or any other sources of entertainment that was used in the past. 
I also don't see any negative outcomes that are directly influenced by the entertainment industries today. I would be more concerned about past generations like the 60s, 70s, and 80s. When drug use was "hip". They were capable of overcoming the pressure from the "cool" junkies, our generation would be capable of overcoming pressure from the media. Unless they are stating that mainstream entertainment corrupts the mind of teens, even more than drugs.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW 28

Krystle, Nandita, et al. "How to be cool at school"

This article acts as a guideline for students enrolling into middle/high-school, and how to survive as a "cool" kid. Similar to most WikiHow articles, the information is listed and numbered, followed by Tips and Warnings for the reader. It also gives the reader information on "How To" when you are a newcomer. It gives the option to be yourself, but at the same time the author provides tips for girls to wear jewelry in order to be cool. 

I find this article to be full of flaws. One flaw I would like to point out is the contradiction that is seen in the list of "How to"s. The first couple focuses on being yourself and respecting others, and how awful it is to label people based on social hierarchies. Later on it begins to focus on appearances, " you're a girl, always wear a bit of jewelry" and "Have a nice hairstyle". They state that a key factor in being cool is having confidence in your real self, then why do they demand specific alterations in their physical appearance?
This video is an interview with the infamous Russell Simmons on what it means to be "cool" "Happy". He states that living in the present is the only way to appreciate life to its fullest. We demand new things that makes us miss the wonders of the present and its significance. Russell's definition of cool is the individual that is calm and keeps focusing on his/her main goal with minimal distraction.

I personally found this video to be quite insipirational. The concept of meditating in order to get a grasp of the present reality instead of the past or future gives me a new insight. After viewing this interview, I passed judgement that Russell Simmons is cool. He seems to know his stuff, and understands his way of life which makes him an admirable figure.

Tom, Timbraun, Sean, et al. "How to be popular"
Similar to the "How to be Cool in School" article, it gives us a shorter yet more detailed list of aspects that can make someone popular. This one even gives the reader a video that connects to the list of steps. Overall, the steps provide the reader with tips such as being friendly and other general characteristics that must be incorporated into the individual's life in order to become popular. 

Like the "How to be Cool in School" article, some steps contradict each other. One step in the process that I would like to point out is "Don't Try too hard". I believe that going online in order to be manipulated by an website article so you can become popular is already trying too hard. There is no way to be yourself when you are already trying to become a type of person you probably are not. 

Monday, December 7, 2009

HW 27


The first guy we walked up to seemed to be a tourist, but a very laid back one, ones that don't necessarily follow the traditional annoying and obnoxious stereotypes of tourists in NYC.
Question 1: What do you think is cooler, Mac vs. PC?
"PC is cooler because it is not as new and it is still around."
Question 2:"That's a hard question...I don't know. It's hip individual, someone who doesn't try to go down the same path and doesn't think they are cool. Someone who struggles but still comes out with a smile is cool."
I agreed with him when he first stated the question to be difficult to answer. Yet he thought for a bit and pulled it off. I found his first answer "Someone who dosen't try to go down the same path" to be expected from most people, but I personally liked his answer "Someone who struggles but still comes out with a smile".

The second guy we interviewed was also in Madison Sq. well as the others we interviewed throughout the day. This guy seemed to be a typical male office worker. With a Blackberry in hand, he seemed to be enjoying the weather outside. We found out that he was quite and amusing individual.
Question 1: "Mac vs. PC which is cooler?"
He answered "Macs, they are more fun". Like most people we interviewed, most of them werent ready for the questions, not knowing much about what we are trying to acheive from this activity. He seemed a bit confused durring the whole interview session.
Question 2: Do you consider yourself cool?
"I consider myself cool because I am a good person but I can't pinpoint cool on one thing so I don't really know." I think he did a very good job brushing off the topic in order to end the awkward interview. It didn't seem like he cared much about what we were trying to get out of him. He answered in a very simple manner, but he seemed like a funny guy.

The third person we interviewed was a young lady enjoying her lunch. She seemed like a very nice person, and was smiling and laughing the whole time, and answered our questions thoughtfully.
Question 1: "Mac vs. PC which is cooler?"
"Macs are for more artistic people". Even though it didn't really answer the question, we got to know that she probably admires artists.
Question 2: "What does cool mean to you?"
She answered: You wanna know what I think is cool!? Whatever seems fresh...I think places to eat, is a big deal in New York City." Seemed like she was shocked that we wanted her opinion on such a topic. She really did a good job summing up a good number of aspects that construct a cool individual. Especially in a urban enviorment like NYC, fashion isn't the only thing that represents a person.
Question 3: "Do you think your cool?"
She answered: "I think for wherever I am in life I try to embrace what I have." She seems like she dosent really judge people too strictly. Her comment made me predict that she enjoys living life easy, and not stressing over things. I thought she was pretty cool...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

HW 25

Part 1
Dear Moe
I like how straight forward you were in portraying what type of cool your character represents. It seems like he tries too hard to be "cool" that in the end he finds himself dealing with bigger consequences.

Dear Jin Is this the type of person you admire? haha just kidding. Its a really short story, but its compact and is full of aspects that most of us find to be cool. I especially like the "Everyone wants to fuck me", it directly shows how self-centered he is, and I guess having confidence is a part of being cool.

Dear Brandon
I like how you constructed your story. The kid feels the urge to be cool at first, but ends up finding out that being himself is the best way to go. Your story also really degrades the meaning of cool, it seems like your trying to show that being cool is not as important as we think it is.

Dear Kevin
I guess your character is trying to illustrate the "Fuck It" type of cool? I'm kind of confused by the the whole Matrix metaphor, but it may be because I haven't really watched it enough times. I actually can connect to this. I used to be like that, but I started to prioritize things in life, and people don't consider you to be cool later in life if you arent well educated, unless your famous.

Dear Charlse
I like how you made the character in your story materialistic. Wealth is big when you want to be cool, no matter how old you are. I like how ignorant you made the character look in a matter of minutes in the Gucci store.

Part 2

I saw so many varities of cool in the stories I read, but wealth and reputation were two topics that seemed to stand out to most of us. For example both Jin and Charles's stories the protagonist was illustrated to have the element of wealth that made them admirable to others. In a world where the rich have a wider availability to have access to things make them a role model. Though not everyone believes wealth to be the number one priority in being cool, that also depends on the community of people the individual belongs in.
The reputation gained from wealth really is a one sided thing. Many people admire the rich, but almost no one admires the poor. This proves that the limitations set by being poor does not enhance how someone is viewed, it simply puts them in a position where they are looked down upon. Though in some cases, people who have become something big while living under poor circumstances are praised much higher than those that have had wealth their whole life. But it is much harder for those types of people to stand out in the world.

HW 24 Short Story

Smoke fills the room, as the TV shines brightly everyone stares consumed in the hilarity of Family Guy. "Yo this shit is hilarious" says George in a low stoned voice, as the room fills with laughter one boy, Timmy, finds himself looking all over the place feeling paranoid and uncomftorable with the situation he is in. Nothing seems to be going right, he is trying to comprehend why the other kids, or his so called friends whom he admires so much can stay so relaxed. "I feel sick guys" he states pathetically, everyone laughs and jokes that he's "buggin out". Feeling embarassed, he tries his best to reassure everyone that he's having a good time. "No, I'm just kidding you..." Its hard to talk, staying alert makes him naucious, he wants it to end.
He wakes up moments later. Everyone has abandoned him. "what time is it? where did everyone go?". He sits there knowing that he failed to impress the "cool" kids.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 "Cool"

As simple as the word "cool" seems to be, I find it to represent a variety of things. There are so many fields that "cool" can branch off into, including music, fashion, personalities, etc. There are no short cuts or simple routes to observe this new topic as a broad picture. It also is mainly an opinion, every individual has a specific image or idea that creates a montage of mental images that represent what "cool" really is. 

Overall, I find this unit to be a very sensitive topic, knowing that people obviously want to portray a cool image, genuine feelings towards it can alternate depending on how much the person cares about his/her reputation. Especially in such a small New York public school, I find it to be very difficult for me as for others to reveal their insight. There will be such a slim variety of opinions concerning the topic that we will end up repeating ourselves time and time again, possibly more times than the Digital Unit. I don't necessarily want to bash the idea of this unit, but I certainly don't find the environment we discuss the topic in to be confidential enough for people to have an open mind about it. 

On the flip-side, I'm very interested in how many people actually realize the way we react to the stereotypes of being cool. I'm looking forward to how deep we can get into this topic, until we end up trying to redeem our reputation by approaching the unit in a way that wont disrupt how we triumph in the community of teenagers. Since in the end, cool isn't determined by your own opinion, but how others around you react to it. Like how Andy said, there are many categorize that "cool" is incorporated into, even the most unique individual will eventually find a group of people with similar interests which eventually results in the person adopting features that are "cool" in his/her community. People try to be original, not knowing that they really are not.  

HW 22

Digitalization is Inevitable

By Amon Ito


Technological advancement has been occurring ever since the day a caveman invented a wooden spear. These advancements made life easier, and over time branched off into something we call digitalization. In many cases digitalization is not a problem for countries that lack the money or have not yet hoped on the bandwagon of individuals that enjoy high definition television or first person shooters on some video game console. People observe third-world countries and their standards of living with disgust or pity, but in certain fields we lack the feats to survive. The value of using our five senses to perceive things such as nature and its beauty is decreasing, and the experience of physical interaction is starting to become a burden for some. We are beginning to favor quantity over quality, as seen most often on networking sites such as Facebook or Myspace. So how do we start creating a much stronger bond with reality? I don’t believe that option is available for us anymore. If by any chance we take away the element of technology from our lives, people will become confused and insecure of their situation therefore the advancements must be promoted as it enhances our daily life and keeps us sane. Becoming reliant is a very hazardous route since it requires absolute trust, and we have come to a point where digital technology keeps us alive. The more useful they become the more we utilize, expecting them to be under the control of the human user at all times, and we continue to overlook the fact that electronics do have flaws. They are not tools that can satisfy a person forever, and when they do become advanced enough to gratify our every need, we no longer have control of our physical self and the machines control us.Digitalization is inevitable and will consume a majority of the world with waves of technological advancement. Factual interactions will be substituted by digital representations, diminishing the value of physical interactions.


            Alongside the process of evolution, advancement in human intelligence happens. Though we have come to a point where we have not yet shown any physical alterations we surely have grown mentally over the years. Technology is a very accurate way to prove our mental growth ever since we actually became a human. Simple equipment to protect each other such as spears and knives made of wood and stone have become deadly firearms that can instantly pierce through the human flesh. The pace in which we are advancing reassures us that upgraded versions of digital technology will be invented one after another as we tear down boundaries and limitations, but how will the physical body react to this? Even giant industries that make mass amounts of their products to distribute to all the consumers started out as a form of physical labor where physical interaction was necessary, but now factories are mainly run by machines that are capable of working much faster than any man. With this type of mass production, we find ourselves lacking natural resources to compensate for the amount produced and we begin to see a significant decrease in quality and effort put into the construction.

 We see this in most fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and Wendy’s. Starting off as a top quality burger joint, we find ourselves purchasing French fries that consist of chemicals to make it taste like French fries. A McDonald's French fry is one of countless foods whose flavor is just a component in a complex manufacturing process” (Fast Food Nation) The results of over using machines has overwhelmed us with comfort and ease of sitting back and watching mindless programmed electronics do work. Since we started utilizing these machineries, characteristics like laziness in humans began to increase. Before we started relying on machines, being lazy was not an option for survival. Before meals were cooked in microwaves, we were required to endure the daily activity of hunting and cooking just to stay alive. We treasured even the smallest portions of food and valued life more than ever. Now that are standards of daily life have been set to the digital way of life, we live behind barriers and digital representations.

            Though I speak of this digitalization like we are attempting to live life the wrong way, I know that it is also inevitable. After being able to put our hands on an opportunity like digital technology, we will continue to grow.


            The emotional aspect while absorbed in the digital world is easily disregarded since the individual’s perspective is switched to the character on the screen. This feeling is called disembodiment, where the individual feels as if they are not inside their body but viewing the world through another person or a digital representation. Knowing how easily we can become entertained by digital technology also shows how vulnerable we are to these machines. “Games like Medal of Honor from WWII, give you "strong feelings of determination, rage, valor, patriotism, and strength because you feel like you are actually serving on the front lines for something you believe in." (Emotions in Videogames). The individual playing the first person shooter Call of Duty genuinely feels as if he is at war. The way videogames manipulate your state of mentality illustrates how deeply it affects our every day life.

            The body cannot live without the mind. Having opinions and judgments are what makes us human, and our ability to evaluate our surroundings help us interact with one another. Imagine a game that manipulates your whole body, similar to The Matrix where the characters “jack in” into the “matrix”, a computer world. If a digital world can control the way we think and feel, it probably will advance enough to make us feel satisfied. Though a life where everything you need or want is brought to you in the matter of seconds would be like a dream come true, there most definitely is a flipside to it. Studies show that the production of technology, which has the capability to interact with our thoughts directly, is being constructed. “Thanks to the rapid pace of research on the BMI, one day these and other individuals may be able to feed themselves with a robotic arm and hand that moves according to their mental commands” (Science Daily). Many significant aspects of the human body are connected to the brain, making that particular organ much more valuable than others. But balance is key in order to maintain a fit both mentally and physically. The easier it is to access and utilize a piece of technology the more we abuse it resulting in less physical labor.


            The element of change has a deep impact on the growth of the digital life as well. Change stimulates our mind, as we tend to become unsatisfied with things easily. We demand new things, and this is what keeps companies like Apple busy researching upgrades. The way we hunger for bigger and better things makes the process of reducing the use of technology impossible, and the advancement of technology inevitable. It is in our nature to create new things and as we become smarter little by little, we are mainly becoming smarter in fields that consist of something digital. Video-games these days are open for all ages, whether the player is a young child or a grown man, the gaming industry have made a wide range of games to fit everyone’s needs.  But the amount is not enough to satisfy people for more than couple months.

            The gaming industry is pressured by time due to a high demand in a unique video game, something that no one has ever played. A very big topic that most game designers focus on is the difference between the prequel and the sequel of a game. They capture the consumer’s attention by allowing them to view things that were not possible before, dramatizing how much the two games are different while complimenting the sequel. As long as we have the craving for change, digitalization will prolong.


            The invention of these various digital equipment have arguably made our lives easier in terms of communication, social networking, etc. but where do we draw the line? Or will we even be capable of stopping this constant progression? We have ventured deep enough with digitalization to sit back and observe our situation, but nothing can be done to stop it. Most interactions done digitally are mental, drastically lowering the significance of the physical being. Our natural reaction to change and the way we are vulnerable and sensitive to comfort may lead digitalization towards an appalling direction, but we may unconsciously find ourselves at home living in a digital universe.  

Monday, November 9, 2009

HW 20

Digitalization is Inevitable

By Amon Ito


Technological advancement has been occurring ever since the day a caveman invented a wooden spear. These advancements made life easier, and over time branched off into something we call digitalization. In many cases digitalization is not a problem for countries that lack the money or have not yet hoped on the bandwagon of individuals that enjoy high definition television or first person shooters on some video game console. People observe third-world countries and their standards of living with disgust or pity, but in certain fields we lack the feats to survive. The value of using our five senses to perceive things such as nature and its beauty is decreasing, and the experience of physical interaction is starting to become a burden for some. We are beginning to favor quantity over quality, as seen most often on networking sites such as Facebook or Myspace. So how do we start creating a much stronger bond with reality? I don’t believe that option is available for us anymore. If by any chance we take away the element of technology from our lives, people will become confused and insecure of their situation therefore the advancements must be promoted as it enhances our daily life and keeps us sane. Becoming reliant is a very hazardous route since it requires absolute trust, and we have come to a point where digital technology keeps us alive. The more useful they become the more we utilize, expecting them to be under the control of the human user at all times, and we continue to overlook the fact that electronics do have flaws. They are not tools that can satisfy a person forever, and when they do become advanced enough to gratify our every need, we no longer have control of our physical self and the machines control us. Digitalization is inevitable and will consume a majority of the world with waves of technological advancement. Factual interactions will be substituted by digital representations, diminishing the value of physical interactions.


            Alongside the process of evolution, advancement in human intelligence happens. Though we have come to a point where we have not yet shown any physical alterations we surely have grown mentally over the years. Technology is a very accurate way to prove our mental growth ever since we actually became a human. Simple equipment to protect each other such as spears and knives made of wood and stone have become deadly firearms that can instantly pierce through the human flesh. The pace in which we are advancing reassures us that upgraded versions of digital technology will be invented one after another as we tear down boundaries and limitations, but how will the physical body react to this? Even giant industries that make mass amounts of their products to distribute to all the consumers started out as a form of physical labor where physical interaction was necessary, but now factories are mainly run by machines that are capable of working much faster than any man. With this type of mass production, we find ourselves lacking natural resources to compensate for the amount produced and we begin to see a significant decrease in quality and effort put into the construction.

 We see this in most fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and Wendy’s. Starting off as a top quality burger joint, we find ourselves purchasing French fries that consist of chemicals to make it taste like French fries. A McDonald's French fry is one of countless foods whose flavor is just a component in a complex manufacturing process” (Fast Food Nation) The results of over using machines has overwhelmed us with comfort and ease of sitting back and watching mindless programmed electronics do work. Since we started utilizing these machineries, characteristics like laziness in humans began to increase. Before we started relying on machines, being lazy was not an option for survival. Before meals were cooked in microwaves, we were required to endure the daily activity of hunting and cooking just to stay alive. We treasured even the smallest portions of food and valued life more than ever. Now that are standards of daily life have been set to the digital way of life, we live behind barriers and digital representations.

            Though I speak of this digitalization like we are attempting to live life the wrong way, I know that it is also inevitable. After being able to put our hands on an opportunity like digital technology, we will continue to grow.


            The emotional aspect while absorbed in the digital world is easily disregarded since the individual’s perspective is switched to the character on the screen. This feeling is called disembodiment, where the individual feels as if they are not inside their body but viewing the world through another person or a digital representation. Knowing how easily we can become entertained by digital technology also shows how vulnerable we are to these machines. “Games like Medal of Honor from WWII, give you "strong feelings of determination, rage, valor, patriotism, and strength because you feel like you are actually serving on the front lines for something you believe in." (Emotions in Videogames). The individual playing the first person shooter Call of Duty genuinely feels as if he is at war. The way videogames manipulate your state of mentality illustrates how deeply it affects our every day life.

            The body cannot live without the mind. Having opinions and judgments are what makes us human, and our ability to evaluate our surroundings help us interact with one another. Imagine a game that manipulates your whole body, similar to The Matrix where the characters “jack in” into the “matrix”, a computer world. If a digital world can control the way we think and feel, it probably will advance enough to make us feel satisfied. Though a life where everything you need or want is brought to you in the matter of seconds would be like a dream come true, there most definitely is a flipside to it. Studies show that the production of technology, which has the capability to interact with our thoughts directly, is being constructed. “Thanks to the rapid pace of research on the BMI, one day these and other individuals may be able to feed themselves with a robotic arm and hand that moves according to their mental commands” (Science Daily). Many significant aspects of the human body are connected to the brain, making that particular organ much more valuable than others. But balance is key in order to maintain a fit both mentally and physically. The easier it is to access and utilize a piece of technology the more we abuse it resulting in less physical labor.


            The element of change has a deep impact on the growth of the digital life as well. Change stimulates our mind, as we tend to become unsatisfied with things easily. We demand new things, and this is what keeps companies like Apple busy researching upgrades. The way we hunger for bigger and better things makes the process of reducing the use of technology impossible, and the advancement of technology inevitable. It is in our nature to create new things and as we become smarter little by little, we are mainly becoming smarter in fields that consist of something digital. Video-games these days are open for all ages, whether the player is a young child or a grown man, the gaming industry have made a wide range of games to fit everyone’s needs.  But the amount is not enough to satisfy people for more than couple months.

            The gaming industry is pressured by time due to a high demand in a unique video game, something that no one has ever played. A very big topic that most game designers focus on is the difference between the prequel and the sequel of a game. They capture the consumer’s attention by allowing them to view things that were not possible before, dramatizing how much the two games are different while complimenting the sequel. As long as we have the craving for change, digitalization will prolong.


            The invention of these various digital equipment have arguably made our lives easier in terms of communication, social networking, etc. but where do we draw the line? Or will we even be capable of stopping this constant progression? We have ventured deep enough with digitalization to sit back and observe our situation, but nothing can be done to stop it. Most interactions done digitally are mental, drastically lowering the significance of the physical being. Our natural reaction to change and the way we are vulnerable and sensitive to comfort may lead digitalization towards an appalling direction, but we may unconsciously find ourselves at home living in a digital universe.  

HW 19

Dear Hannah 
I love your introduction, and how it flows. Although overall it isn't very long, it definitely has all the elements an introduction needs. The alluring hook at the beginning of your sentence, and your unique wording while describing technology through your perspective.  

I also like how you incorperated real life situations into your argument. Unlike using other quotes from online news articles, it gave me a better understanding of what you are getting at. You also managed to balance out the two perspectives on digital technology, which connects directly back to your thesis.  

Only thing I would like you to improve on is the usage of evidence. Though using real life examples can be very fortifying and can broaden your arguments, I feel that quotes from articles, newspapers, etc. can also be very beneficial in proving your point. Also the length of your conclusion should be longer. It would feel nicer if you had a deeper conclusion since you already have strong arguments.  

So far I'm liking where your paper is headed. Looking forward to reading your final draft! 

Dear Jace I also agree with Hannah. I see that you are trying your best to focus your arguments towards the topic of how we are too connected to cellphones, but I think its best you widen the range of technology to get the most out of your insight on digital technology. The way you utilized the results from the interview assignment is good though. It directly applies to your argument and it should definitely be incorporated into your final draft. The way you connected phone usage to relationships is a good idea, but simply saying we substitute relationships with cellphones is a little much. Unless you have the right information to back up the statement. An alternative you might like to consider is instead of bashing at how bad cellphone usage is, try viewing the topic from both ends like Hannah did. It will help you build length as well as deepen your insight. I hope you can pull it off. Looking forward to seeing the outcome!


Dear Hannah

Thank you for the comment. I'm glad you can connect to my insight concerning the digital unit we are currently studying. I see that you aren't necessarily the people who have become consumed with the digital technology that surrounds us, but the fact that you can still see what im trying to say reassures me that I'm still sane and in control of how well I balance my daily daily use of digital technology.

I'm glad you agree with my conclusion since balance is a topic that I strongly believe to be significant. Overall, I feel as if everything should be balanced not just utilizing digital technology, but everything we do. Not stating that everyone needs to be perfect by following this rule, but maintaining balance allows you to get the best of both worlds.

I also understand how you feel when friends don't really approve of not watching enough TV. For approximately two years I have not watched TV, and I feel comfortable with how I friends don't. I find myself lost when they talk about recent television shows, but at the same time I feel good that I havent wasted time absorbed in media.

It seems like you are conscious of your semi-dependency of digital tools like your cellphone and Ipod. The fact that they are portable makes them very convenient unlike the TV which requires you to stay in a certain location. If TVs were to be installed into cellphones or Ipods, I'd be a more active TV watcher than I am now.

I think fear is an element that we both share to be significant. Knowing that we both understand the concept of fearing how advanced digital technology has become, I wonder why people rely so heavily on it? My answer for now is that is has become a necesity to survive in a society like the one we currently live in. Thank you again for the insightful comment.

HW 4

Dear Hannah

I really enjoy how your post is simple and gets to the point quickly. Though you didn't write a lot, I can definitely understand your insight on the evolution of technology within our lives. I also concur with your opinion on how people want to be seen. Its never really about what is inside, but the reputation one gets out of what they have and their values.

I would like to dig deeply within the concept of a fantasy created around a real human being. Unlike interacting with one another face to face, IMing and other social networking sites allow you to hide various aspects which makes you who you are. I can definitely see how it can gradually impact the individual's consciousness of his/her true self over time.

The conversation you had with your friends Alice really does illustrate how we have changed as humans in such a short period of time. When physical interaction and even the most complex procedures was a norm before the invention of cellphones. It also helped build true friendship and stronger bonds between one another.

I have to come back to your first sentence on this one. I would love to hear more about your personal opinion on how we live in a fantasy world. For example: Do you currently pursuit a lifestyle where you are true to others? Or maybe you are unconsciously hiding behind the privacy social networking offers? I can honestly say that I hide various truths from people around me, only allowing people truly close to me see behind all the fashion and technology that cloaks me.

Your perspective makes me realize my flaws, and how I secretly rely on what the digital life offers. The way my digital life halts me from expressing feelings caged deep inside. How reputation within the community can make me act in ways that I personally may not think is righteous.

Overall, great post. From the beginning of the post to the very end, it really escalated my understanding of a perspective on digital life in which I have not thought of.

P.S. Thanks for the comment on my post. Im glad you can connect to my thoughts on how technology impacts us humans.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

HW #18

            Technological advancement has been occurring ever since the day a caveman invented a wooden spear. These advancements made life easier, and over time branched off into something we call digitalization. In many cases digitalization is not a problem for countries that lack the money or have not yet hoped on the bandwagon of individuals that enjoy high definition television or first person shooters on some video game console. People observe third-world countries and their standards of living with disgust or pity, but in certain fields we lack the feats to survive. The value of using our five senses to perceive things such as nature and its beauty is decreasing, and the experience of physical interaction is starting to become a burden for some. We are beginning to favor quantity over quality, as seen most often on networking sites such as Facebook or Myspace. So how do we start creating a much stronger bond with reality? I don’t believe that option is available for us anymore. If by any chance we take away the element of technology from our lives, people will become confused and insecure of their situation therefore the advancements must be promoted as it enhances our daily life and keeps us sane. Becoming reliant is a very hazardous route since it requires absolute trust, and we have come to a point where digital technology keeps us alive. The more useful they become the more we utilize, expecting them to be under the control of the human user at all times, and we continue to overlook the fact that electronics do have flaws. They are not tools that can satisfy a person forever, and when they do become advanced enough to gratify our every need, we no longer have control of our physical self and the machines control us. Digitalization is inevitable and will consume a majority of the world with waves of technological advancement. Factual interactions will be substituted by digital representations, diminishing the value of the physical body.


            Alongside the process of evolution, advancement in human intelligence happens. Though we have come to a point where we have not yet shown any physical alterations we surely have grown mentally over the years. Technology is a very accurate way to prove our mental growth ever since we actually became a human. Simple equipment to protect each other such as spears and knives made of wood and stone have become deadly firearms that can instantly pierce through the human flesh. The pace in which we are advancing reassures us that upgraded versions of digital technology will be invented one after another as we tear down boundaries and limitations, but how will the physical body react to this? Even giant industries that make mass amounts of their products to distribute to all the consumers started out as a form of physical labor where physical interaction was necessary, but now factories are mainly run by machines that are capable of working much faster than any man. With this type of mass production, we find ourselves lacking natural resources to compensate for the amount produced and we begin to see a significant decrease in quality and effort put into the construction.

 We see this in most fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and Wendy’s. Starting off as a top quality burger joint, we find ourselves purchasing French fries that consist of chemicals to make it taste like French fries.” A McDonald's French fry is one of countless foods whose flavor is just a component in a complex manufacturing process” (Fast Food Nation) The results of over using machines has overwhelmed us with comfort and ease of sitting back and watching mindless programmed electronics do work. Since we started utilizing these machineries, characteristics like laziness in humans began to increase. Before we started relying on machines, being lazy was not an option for survival. Before meals were cooked in microwaves, we were required to endure the daily activity of hunting and cooking just to stay alive. We treasured even the smallest portions of food and valued life more than ever. Now that are standards of daily life have been set to the digital way of life, we live behind barriers and digital representations.

            Though I speak of this digitalization like we are attempting to live life the wrong way, I know that it is also inevitable. After being able to put our hands on an opportunity like digital technology, we will continue to grow.


            The feeling while absorbed in the digital world is easily disregarded since the person feeling it does not realize it. This feeling is called disembodiment, where the individual feels as if they are not inside their body but viewing the world through another person or a digital representation. Knowing how easily we can become entertained by digital technology also shows how vulnerable we are to these machines. “Games like Medal of Honor from WWII, give you "strong feelings of determination, rage, valor, patriotism, and strength because you feel like you are actually serving on the front lines for something you believe in." (Emotions in Videogames). The individual playing the first person shooter Call of Duty genuinely feels as if he is at war. The way videogames manipulate your state of mentality illustrates how deeply it affects our every day life.

            The body cannot live without the mind. Having opinions and judgments are what makes us human, and our ability to evaluate our surroundings help us interact with one another. Imagine a game that manipulates your whole body, similar to The Matrix where the characters “jack in” into the “matrix”, a computer world. If a digital world can control the way we think and feel, it probably will advance enough to make us feel satisfied. Though a life where everything you need or want is brought to you in the matter of seconds would be like a dream come true, there most definitely is a flipside to it. Studies show that the production of technology, which has the capability to interact with our thoughts directly, is being constructed. “Thanks to the rapid pace of research on the BMI, one day these and other individuals may be able to feed themselves with a robotic arm and hand that moves according to their mental commands” (Science Daily). Many significant aspects of the human body are connected to the brain, making that particular organ much more valuable than others. But balance is key in order to maintain a fit both mentally and physically. The easier it is to access and utilize a piece of technology the more we abuse it resulting in less physical labor.


            The element of change has a deep impact on the growth of the digital life as well. Change stimulates our mind, as we tend to become unsatisfied with things easily. We demand new things, and this is what keeps companies like Apple busy researching upgrades. The way we hunger for bigger and better things makes the process of reducing the use of technology impossible, and the advancement of technology inevitable. It is in our nature to create new things and as we become smarter little by little, we are mainly becoming smarter in fields that consist of something digital. Video-games these days are open for all ages, whether the player is a young child or a grown man, the gaming industry have made a wide range of games to fit everyone’s needs.  But the amount is not enough to satisfy people for more than couple months.

 The gaming industry is pressured by time due to a high demand in a unique video game, something that no one has ever played. A very big topic that most game designers focus on is the difference between the prequel and the sequel of a game. They capture the consumer’s attention by allowing them to view things that were not possible before, dramatizing how much the two games are different while complimenting the sequel. As long as we have the craving for change, digitalization will prolong.


            The invention of these various digital equipment have arguably made our lives easier in terms of communication, social networking, etc. but where do we draw the line? Or will we even be capable of stopping this constant progression? We have ventured deep enough with digitalization to sit back and observe our situation, but nothing can be done to stop it. Most interactions done digitally are mental, drastically lowering the significance of the physical being. Our natural reaction to change and the way we are vulnerable and sensitive to comfort may lead digitalization towards an appalling direction, but we may unconsciously find ourselves at home living in a digital universe.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

HW #17


Its hard to determine if your arguments are good enough without a thesis to connect back to, but knowing you I'm sure you'll be able to construct one based off all the evidence you will be using throughout your paper. 
Also you don't know how much of a headache I got from trying to analyze the meaning of your EQ. Definitely not saying its not a good one, but I couldn't make much sense of what your getting at. So I'm looking forward to observe how you are gonna pull it off. If you can answer this question it'd be great: "If our consciousness is a representation, then what is reality?". 
I see that overall, you try to reference the usefulness of technology and luxury of having it around us. I like how your focusing on it since I also am, but in a different way so it fits right in with my thesis. 

One thing that I still feel confused about is where you will be fitting in the theory that our consciousness is a representation. I see that you are going to talk about romanticism, but I'm still not seeing how it can completely cover as an answer for a question as big as "Is it partly because our consciousness is itself a kind of representation of reality?". 
Regardless Im looking forward to the outcome of your paper.
Good Luck!


I'd like you to organize the thesis and arguments. I think its going to be hard to write a whole paper based on one specific piece of technology, but it seems like you are loaded with information based on cellphone usage. I also like that you are connecting our connection with our phones to relationships with our lovers. It helps us make connections while deepening our insight. I'd just like to see all of this in a organized format, and also your thesis that you will be writing your paper on. I personally wouldn't be able to write a whole paper on cellphones, but it seems like you have a deeper judgement about it being a problem than me, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

HW #16 Outline

Thesis: Digitalization is inevitable and will consume a majority of the world with waves of technological advancement. Factual interactions will be substituted by digital representations, diminishing the value of the physical body.

Argument 1: Technological advancement resides amongst human evolution, therefore technology will overwhelm physical labor.

Human Evolution: Ever since we were cavemen, we have tried to pursue shortcuts that can make our lives easier. Alongside the evolution of the body, our minds grow more intelligent craving change. (Online Research) 

History of Tools: Comparing the past to present. Everything Bad is Good for You

Argument 2: Without the mind the body cannot live. If technology can manipulate the way we think and feel, it can satisfy us for eternity. Compare Physical vs. Mental.

Wall-E: This disney flick interprets us humans to become physically unfit after relying heavily to technology. 

New technology:
New forms of technology can be controlled by just thinking? If this is possible, we may find a way to control all our personal belongings by thought. This reduces the amount of actual physical labor.

Argument 3: Change stimulates us and keeps us entertained. We will forever be unsatisfied with what we have and assume something new will sweep us off our feet. Technology is in high demand by people all around the world, so it will continue to become bigger and better... as we see it at least.

Electronics: Technology such as video games are treasured by people of all ages. Since the development of the first video game system, or the first television, most things have become affordable and the population of people owning these electronics have increased. Companies that come up with the new entertainment systems will have to constantly think up something new.

Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 15

First off, I'd like to definitely appreciate your consistency in work habits and the effort you put into your posts. I can see the depth of thought in every one of your posts. Also the tone of your posts are very relaxed and seem to feel real, without all the crap that usually makes me have a hard time appreciating and comprehending peoples ideas. This also enhances the readability of your posts, it never feels like a burden to read no matter how long it is. 
After reading your post on the two texts, the part where you restated the fact that reading can cause isolation really stood out to me. Since it was also one of my most thoughtful insights on the whole excerpt I felt glad that it shows some significance to someone other than myself. Also your understanding of the text was very similar to mine. I feel like you also felt that the author did a very good job resisting the need to insert a biased statement about either topics.

I had a talk with my brother regarding the quote "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." Your opinion that Feed is more like a mirror resembles my brother's insight almost completely. The freedom he lets the readers have of creating their own beliefs about the advancement of technology lets the readers aware and gives them a topic to think over. Though I don't agree with the fact that he didn't portray a biased insight. I think the way the story unraveled showed more negative outcomes of the Feed than the positive aspects of it, which makes me feel as if Anderson wants us to approach the situation as a conflict. 

In all honesty, I don't want you to change anything about your posts. I find that the quality and quantity of your work is just what Im looking for. It leaves me with a sense of satisfaction.

Keep up what you've been doing from the start. If there is anything you'd personally like to change or try in your posts I encourage you to do so. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work in the future. 

HW 14

The excerpts from the book Everything Bad is Good for You shows the pros and cons regarding our current advancements in technology, comparing and contrasting topics such as television programs and how their advancement throughout the years have significance in our lifestyles now, and other sources of entertainment including video games and literature. It approaches these topics in a unbiased form, reassuring the reader with information from both perspectives. 
The comparison between old school television programs such as Starsky and Hutch and new programs such as The Sopranos show an increase of intelligence needed to virtually sustain a sense of comprehension while viewing the show. The author uses graphs to portray the difficulty and variety each show offers for the viewers; the results show that new age shows require the audience to have greater mental strength than the older classics. The comparison between video gaming and reading literature gives great insight on both skills required for the two sources of entertainment. Though overall, the skills required to read and understand a book(concentration, memory, etc.) are valued more than the skills to successfully complete a video game in the real world, they both offer a variety of mental workouts that can help the individual grow in the real world including hand-eye coordination and virtual memory. 

In both excerpts, I felt comfortable with the fact that both perspectives were brought into play, and were balanced out. I personally liked the way the graphs were used to give us a visual representation of the change in TV shows over time. I still do not feel that determining advancement in the human intelligence based on how the shows were constructed justifies the opinion that we have grown smarter through the use of technology. As it is said in the text, the ideas that created The Sopranos and other mind-numbing shows have been represented in older programs. The simplicity in classic TV shows only come from our lack in experience. We should not be expected to be capable of creating a twisted eventful plot five years after the TV is invented. I don't think criticizing the simplicity of old shows is an accurate way of viewing our advancement as a whole.
The excerpt regarding video games and reading literature had my personal opinion swaying from one side to another. The part that struck me to be truly significant is the feeling of isolation while absorbed in a book vs. social interaction in a video game. Video games these days are designed to let the individual interact with people all over the world, whether they are strangers of family. This option makes the choice of video games to seem much safer in terms of growth in social skills, but in reality you are not socializing with one another in the real world. Speaking to someone face to face requires a wider range in social skill compared to raging at some stranger over the mic connected to your game console. You feel a sense of security compared to the raw feeling of interacting and socializing with an individual sitting next to you. 
M.T. Anderson had a very biased view on the advancement of technology. He mocked our generation of relying heavily on electronics. The excerpts still showed some respect towards the people who live a lifestyle which requires the use of technology, but also contradicts an argument with a flip-side. Anderson's main focus is on human advancement and how it is "negatively" affecting our society, giving us a insight on how pathetic it will be if we continue to tighten the bond between humans and electronics. The author of the excerpts focuses on technology's "significance" in our lives. Although the main ideas of these two authors don't necessarily go hand in hand with each other, they both show our advancement. One being the advancement from the past to present. The other focusing on our advancement from here on out. 

Monday, October 19, 2009


I interpret M.T Anderson's FEED as a form of revolutionary art that portrays specific flaws that our generation and following generations will begin to encounter. The allegory used to portray the author's perspective on teenagers and what we soon will become illustrates a vital point in the fall of humanity, where we become less human and more machine. The tragedies that are revealed to the reader halts us from overlooking the deep connection we see between the Feed world and our world. 

I also found the form of language used in the book intentionally mocks teenagers, possibly to create an aspect of the book that can alert young readers to navigate themselves deeper into the book to find the true conflicts and messages the author is trying to communicate to us. The conflict being the side effects of the digital lifestyle, the young adults of that generation are the primary target. He gives us examples of tragedies but never tells us how they are perfectly stabilized and resolved, as if we are expected to do something about our own lives to lead into a future where we are not overpowered by machines. 

Regarding Bret Bercht's quote "Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world. It is a hammer which to shape it". Art is a form of revolt and rebellion that is brought out through images. Although it can be used as a mirror for the world to see its true self while under sever situations, but it can also be used to send messages and emotions towards the world. I find Feed to be both a hammer and a mirror. It shows an image of what we are starting to become, the inevitable outcomes that we try to blind ourselves from by being captured within the moment. It reveals ourselves to the facts that we deny. I believe we are the hammers that sculpt the world for the better or worse, we just use the book as a mirror to realize our flaws. 

Feed A

The Life Titus and his friends live in FEED by M.T Anderson portrays is a futuristic interpretation of our current life. We rely heavily on the digital lifestyle which manipulates our lives and even lessens the value of real life interaction. The "Feed" that is often used by the teenagers is capable of refreshing the owner's mind with information regarding pretty much everything, whether it be news or simple advertisements, they are no longer responsible of personally storing information that is gathered through their experiencing.
The FEED represents the technology that surrounds us such as the computer that gathers information for us on demand. He illustrates the characters to be extremely reliant of the piece of equipment making them into uneducated physical figures when it is removed from them. In the scene at the hospital after a hacker corrupts their Feeds, they begin to panic, making them vulnerable to their surroundings in the real world they have been distracted from for so long. It mocks us teens to show how stupid we have really become due to the advancement of technology and how we have wandered on to the bandwagon of the "easy" life.
The only aspect which I personally think is inaccurate about Anderson's interpretation of the futuristic teenage life is the concept of the feed. Why would anyone create a device that is required so heavily? I find technology to be a source of entertainment, but not a necessity. The concept in which a device is implanted in our physical bodies and distracts our senses of vision, also limiting our access to the real world is beyond idiotic. I don't, or possibly don't want to believe that we are consumed by the digital life to make humans and machines one.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


This article is short, but gets to the point very quickly with stats to back it up. It reveals that we unconsciously find ourselves hovering over the computer than the ones that mean the most in our lives. What makes people enjoy their time on the computer over their wife, or family? I think its the options computers give us. They are never ending.

The most interesting part is that more than 50% of Americans don't find they're experience to be grateful. If so I wonder why we still use it? We still need to find a way to prioritize out lives, especially within the family. It is saddening to see that a tool can have more value than the ones closest to us.

This article is strictly about the advancement of Facebook. The stats reveal that it grew from a small community to a world wide communication platform in about 5 years. Im sure this has alot to do with the first article as well. Facebook becomes another aspect that makes us adhere to our computers.

This article is not professional like the first two, but the author's perspective makes it very interesting. He states that we need to realize that technology is not necessarily essential in every day life. If people were required to use it for work, you can leave it at that and resist yourself from using it any more. He also states near the end that "balance" is very significant in living our life to the fullest. I posted an opinion about this in my first few posts.


Dear Hannah

Thanks for the comment Hannah. I know i should have made the whole video a little more "digital" but the situation I was in didn't give me much options. I've realized that in every comment you make responding to my posts, you always quote specific sections of my work. I really appreciate that you read my posts in depth as to just skimming through it. Your also very understanding and open minded about my arguments, and you always share put in your two cents in addition.

Your connection to my argument that emotions don't come out as much while concentrated on the digital world to your real life experience at Six Flags made me realize that I've had those moments too. It really illustrates how the Digital world can mask up people since the physical body is not intact with the mental self as much compared to living in reality.

The question that asked me whether or not I'd have my kids spending time on technology really had me thinking. In conclusion I want to say that I find the use of technology to be inevitable, at least by the time I have kids. I know that my use of technology will deeply influence them too, and the more useful and convenient they become I think I'll end up abusing them just to make life easier. Ten hours will be a bit too much though.

Overall, you seem very aware of how the physical body is affected by the use of technology. I tend to give in to the use of technology after time, usually making me understand the mental concept of the use than the physical. Im glad I can get another perspective on it that conflicts mine. It deepens my understanding of how good/bad daily use of technology can really be.

I understnad your opinion about technology "wasting" our time. This makes me want to question what I would be doing to replace the time consumed in the digital world. In all honesty I don't find myself undergoing any other activites that require physical labor. It contemplates for my lack of time managed being proactive. I'm sure you and I both would like to know other's honest reply to how they would live they're life if they were to replace time on the computer with something non digital. I myself will be lost without the daily dose of digital entertainment.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

HW #8 Dear Jace and Hannah

Dear Jace 

I'd first like to apologize for not putting up my video sooner, I tend to procrastinate up to the point until I'm either late or minutes away from the deadline. Since it does affect you and Hannah's overall grade I'll try my best to priorities my homework over other daily activities.  

Your video definitely portrays the different aspects of the digital lifestyle. I like how you covered a majority of the various digital activities we do, and the most significant ones as well. I also noticed that you were quite unhappy throughout the whole video as stated in your second paragraph. Not only did you show what people tend to look like while absorbed in technology, but the emotional aspects of how it can affect us.  

Based off your comment after watching your own video, I can see that you grasped a very good perspective on how people are under the influence of the digital lifestyle. The way you used your brother as an example of people prioritizing the digital world over the real world really shows that you understand the border between being too absorbed and maintaining balance between the two lifestyles. Though I also understand how you feel when your brother turns on the TV. There is nothing more distracting than technology that distributes sound, which I honestly think is why we are able to become captivated in it.  

Similar to your brother, I also had a time period in middle school where video games and computers made my life. Now that I look back at those days, I tend to forcefully resist myself from staying home. It's scary how people can dramatically change due to a new system console or a new video game, and as an individual who has experienced the horror of becoming absorbed with it I can finally be honest with myself and say it truly can be bad for you physically and mentally.  

It seems like you've realized the flaws of being too distracted with technology. That it makes you feel vulnerable to hostility. I'd like to know how your brother reacts when he is focused on the digital world. Does he conflict your anger and become more passive? And now that you have realized it, how has your reactions changed?  
I also liked your opinion about the Wii. Though people try to categorize it to be a more healthier way to play video-games, the mental aspects of it does not change much from when you are sitting on your couch playing Xbox.  

I like your style, and creativity. It definitely makes me feel like I'm doing something more than homework, and actually learning something through your work. Please keep it up as it helps me do my part as well.

Dear Hannah  

I'd like to apologize to you as I did to Jace about my lack of skill in managing to do homework. I also wanted to thank you for really bugging me about being proactive with homework assignments which has me commenting on your video now. Although I honestly am very exhausted from a long day of school and work, I feel like I owe you for your management of the group and this is the least I can do.  

First off, I love the color you picked for the two videos. Though it seems like a primitive video without much color, you show that you definetely are living in a digital world. You also seem to be fully concentrated in the activities you do. I didn't notice in the first video that you were listening to music so when you started bobing your head I was pretty confused, but Im glad you took out the Ipod to reveal that you using not only one but two different types of modern day technology.  

The second part of your video stood out to me the most, mainly because you are holding a guitar (I play as well) and the fact that your a lefty. Though acoustic guitar's (possibly classical?) are a few of the things that we still value today that are not run by battery power, we have come up with devices such as the guitar tuner to enhance our experience with it. It made me realize how even the non-digital activities are being upgraded by technology.  

In your first part of the video, after winking at the camera you are deeply engaged in texting for such a long period of time. I personally never text long enough to concentrate that hard, but durring the summer I saw numerous people traped in their virtual world the cellhpone offers. Durring my visit to Japan I was actually disgusted by the number of people who have they're phones out on the train. Atleast 80% of the people were either watching TV, texting, playing games, and even blogging on their cellphones. Though the phone technology in that country is very gratifying, It really has shown a significant impact on people's daily lives.  

One part i'd like you to expand on is the emotional aspect of being under the influence of technology. Though you looked pretty content while listening to your Ipod and texting, I'd like to see you express how it feels to be using these devices. 

I again would like to apologize about being selfish and not being a respectable team member. I am looking forward to being in your group over the course of this year.  

P.S. If possible, I'd like to know if you can post an edited version of the comment on my video. I have the additional thoughts written along with the posted video. Thanx